Thursday, March 10, 2016

Stomp Trump!

OK.  I don't want to start a political fight.  But IMHO and not so humble opinion, I think that Donald Trump has gone too far.
While I will agree that he is aggressive, I think he is way over the top!  His supporters are saying "he's only voicing what the US people want."  Do we really want his brand of blatant hate against ethic groups, sexes, immigrants, and religions?  The disrespect he shows toward those who disagree with him?  His vulgar attitude?  This American citizen doesn't!!!

Women, immigrants, Mexicans, ugly or overweight people, BEWARE! And that's just a start of the list.  Instead of me filling up lots of space with examples, just click this link:  OR  -  I DARE YOU!

Donald Trump
I can't make this stuff up!  If he treats his fellow Americans like this,what finesse will he use to work with our foreign neighbors?  I can just imagine what our fellow world neighbors are saying?!?
He IS NOT Presidential material.  He's a bully!  In the schools, we have in place programs AGAINST bullying.  What a wonderful role model he'll make!  In case you didn't notice, that was satire!

Marco Rubio
Now, you're asking - If not Donald Trump, then who?  Sadly, I don't know!  I'll be honest, I'm leaning toward Bernie Sanders or Marco Rubio.  I always cheer for the underdogs. I just know that I don't want my next US President to be Donald Trump! 

Bernie Sanders
There's not much time left!  In the end it will probably come down to choosing between Donald Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton for president. Who to vote for?
I don't believe that ever before has this American voter been faced with such a dilema when choosing a Presidential candidate. Really, there is something I don't like about EACH candidate.
I look forward to your comments and insights.

+ May God guide the voters, the candidates, and the United States in the months to come. +

I'm getting excited for St. Patrick's Day...

Until next time.....

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